On the eve of Independence Day, this blogging portal has been launched especially for BPUT Students. You are welcome to express your views or ideas for or against any BPUT activities or reforms. Remember all this is “for the student, by the student and from the student”.
No one dare to fight in broad day light, one to one or facing each other. Gurilla war is on. Even if we are poor state, security is not a luxury. Needed most, when neighbouring countries, our own fellow countrymen and community specific find it easier to disturb us. No need to be soft to these people.
There is news that the UPA Govt is planning to spend Rs 100 crores to fight terror. But the p;olice cannot do it alone. The Govt has to trust the common people, involve them in their own protection. Even the British formed Home Guard units and even armed Indians during World War 2. But our Goct is burying its head in the sand. Mumbai never sleeps. The common people would have gladly acted as the eyes and ears of the police if only they were asked. Now is the time to form neigborhood protection units form common folk to keep vigil in all areas of the city. The police has to give them direction and guidance to do so. India is teemig with cell phones. The police should open hot lines to so that people call call someone to report foul play when they see them. It is inconceiable no one noticed terrorists walking in at the Gateway. People did, but did not know how to alert the security apparatus, Time to end this wall.
Even given the best leadership, it is possible that a determined group of brainwashed fanatics could have still wreaked havoc. But what we know in our hearts is that a corrupt leadership and a corrupted people make the possibility, a certainty. As a first step, we the people should ask a written guarantee from each major party in India. a)To say yes to Police reforms for autonomy and completely remove the role of politicians in their appointments / transfers etc. b)To have a single, unified Intelligence set-up within the country. c)All corruption cases/misuse of authority against public officials to be tried and decided by Special Courts within 90 days. There are many more things to be done. But let us make a beginning with these. I need not add, that no one should vote for the party which is not willing to give a written undertaking in respect of the above
Where is Raj Thakre? Is he making sure that all the NSG Commandos are from Maharashtra!
The public of US & China are not united. They have been forced to be united against terrorism because of these countries deterrent laws against terrorism. India presently need a deterrent law against terrorism that should be more stronger, stringent and effective than POTA. But our present Govt. has kept aside POTA. Can you think more deterrent law in prevailing situation? Somebody told that the democracy of India is rotten one which is cent percent truth. Our democracy is not one like US or EU. Showing muscle and money power, our leaders are taking advantage to loot, exploit and cheat the ordinary common people of the country in this type of democracy. This is the democracy for under world don like Daud Ibrahim, Abu Salem; criminals and the immorale political leaders like Sahabuddin and Pappu Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh yadav. This type of democracy can never help the ordinary people of India. A complete change is required. In this type of democracy no political leader could think the basic problems of ordinary people giving his own selfish up. The same scenario was prevailed during the regime of BJP led NDA also. Who can believe on Indian leaders? Their character is same, that may be from Congress led UPA or BJP led NDA. They think only for themselves. Promises given during the election are forgotten after reaching parliament. Over more than 60 years of our independence, why the Governments of this countries could not finish full proof fencing along the border of Pakistan and Bangladesh. This is the reason,why today, terrorists are getting easy excess to India from Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Assameses are growing day by day minority in their home land in Assam by Hindu religion and Assamese languages because of intrusion of lakhs of Bangladeshi Bengali speaking Muslims. Who care for this ? Leaders of this country only learned to loot crores of rupees in the name of project. Leaders ever do not mind to remind the sacrifice of our martyrs of freedom struggle like Bhagat Singh, Lala Rajpat Rai, Raj Guru, Chandrasekhar Azad for what type of governance they sought in their mind.
Political Parties should behave as a responsible citizen rather than as a opportunicist. Wants to grab votes of one section of poeple,religion(minority), Our leaders like Ram Vilas Paswan went upto demanding citizenship to all Bangladeshi immigrants residing illigally in india to get their votes, Our leaders like Lallu, and Mulayam went to oppose actions of terrorist organisation SIMI. There demand for equal treatment with suffron brigage people doesnt deserve much importance because suffron brigade are not involved in any of bomb blast cases or any terrorist activities till date in country. Its true they behave like above law. But comparison of two is totally unequal. I really fedup with these so called communist people who indirectly supports anti india activities by opposing stricter laws to combat terrorist activities. People should demand law to keep political leaders against supporting any terrorist organisation. so that those speak or support directly or indirectly with such organisation should be put in jail and banned for further political carrier.
The message is crystal clear and the current necessity to fight the Jihad declared by Lashkar, IM and SIMI. The situation demands that every Indian should join hands together and jump in this fight to bury terrorism not only in India but by India taking a lead in doing so will make the world also follow the same step joining and that will make this small bunch of Jihadis realise the wrong things done by them. to stop their cowardice way of working the only way is attack them as one, and we Indians have that capacity to show them their graves. JOIN HANDS IRRESPECTIVE OF CASTE, CREED, RELIGION BUT JUST AS INDIAN FIGHT EVERY TERRORISM JAI HIND
I would like to know what your definition of 'Terror' is.Are the killing of 2000 innocent citizens in Gujarat in 2002 or the mob violence unleashed in Orissa recently also forms of terror, encouraged/sponsored by the politicians in those states or are you pandering to public opinion by taking up this issue selectively and pretending to be concerned about public safety while you ignore the larger picture that is emerging?
India was formed as a Secular country although the post partition, it was a very natural choice that India be a Hindu country (since the partition was done based on Hindu/Muslim). But the then politicians Nehruji etc were very much interested in forming a Secular state. We say OK to that. Now should not the MOSLEMS staying in India consider this as a PRIVILAGE instead of cribbing about things and creating Moslem Pockets and increasing population out of proportion to form another Pakistan in india "Hass ke liya Pakistan, Cheen ke Lenge Hindustan" !!! Is it not a shame. Also do you not really think or know that most of the Mosques built by Moghals or any Muslim emperors were actually demolishing the then big Hindu Temples Why is it so painful to the Moslems that we Hindus want to reclaim of what was actually done raping our religion then? Go to Konark Sun Temple: All Hindu Gods Hands, Nose, etc were cut by some fanatic Islamic ruler. Is it not time for the Moslems to themselves apologize after being given such a status in India A SECULAR REPUBLIC Anyways, I do not have any personal enmity with you or Moslems in general, I do have many nice friends who are Moslems too. But I would just ask you and all the Moslems (who really treat yourselves as Indians). I have least respect for BJP/RSS etc. They are just there for getting on the throne, not really interested in welfare/goodness of anyone Hindus/Moslems and So is Congress or any other party....
forgiving terrorist is left to GOD,
but fixing their appointments with GOD is our INDIAN DEFENCE FORCES. we should salute our true heros who gave their life to save our friends life.
I use this platform not to criticize the government (as it is not going to make any difference to them) but use it hoping that some of the following questions would be answered:-
1) What is happening to our intelligence? Why they been sleeping?
2) Is the government going to do more than just “take up the issue with Islamabad”?
3) What is happening to the security at our borders? Is our country a park where such barbaric people can just walk in or sail in?
4) When would it be high time to have specialized units to deal with such situations in every major city so that times is not wasted in flying them in from Delhi?
5) Considering the kind of arms and ammunition used in today’s world, shouldn’t our police be much more equipped? (Are not the days of the ‘lathi’ long gone?
6) When would it be high time to have adequate medical facilities to deal with casualties of such magnitude (Do the deceased and injured need to be carried by there hands and legs?)
7) Is it not high time for Shivraj Patil to show some dignity on his part and do all of us a favor by resigning?
God Bless all them who are not with us today, those who are missing, those who are fighting for there lives and our forces who risk there lives for us.
As I see the TV channels telecasting those gruesome images of Mumbai ,for the last 2 days,I feel vexed,agitated and probably any other adjective which would help me describe my feelings.Vexed not on the bunch of hopeless politicians but on ourselves,as citizens of India,that how can we be so irresponsible in electing somebody who dont even bother to care for the security and safety of their citizens.Are we so Incorrigible that we dont even bother to learn from our mistakes or is it we Indians sufer from amnesia and havent yet learned the lessons the hard way,after the 1993 bomb blasts,2007 train blasts etc. How many more incidents like these do we need to assure ourselves that the worst is yet to come.Are we so complacent,we deserve to get accolades for our complacency.I think we have left no stone unturned to make sure that the world mocks at us.
Thanks to such an "able" home minsiter Mr Shivraj Patil who has nothing but excuses to offer.Well Mr Patil please dont play around with the sentiments of the people of our country.
Yes stringent laws needs to be made.
Yes the city and the country will bounce back.
Yes our armed forces, police, fire service team, all are doing a wonderful job in controlling the situation and bring back normalcy. We all salute to them.
Yes we are proud of all the matyrs.
However the question which each Indian should ask to themselves and to the government of India , that --> How can just 10 people (albeit armed) can bring a city like MUMBAI (commercial capital of the country) on its knees. How can just 10 people get successful in their objective of spreading terror and wasting so much time, money, energy of the entire county of 100 crore people. And this is not just 36 hrs, the damage they have caused mentally and physically is irrepairable.
I dread to think if these guys were not 10 but 20 or more. What damage could they have caused ???!!!!
We definitely need to give a much much better tommorrow and today to our children.
This should never happen again.
What has happened in Mumbai is really shocking. My prayers are with you and the rest of the people who have been forced to impose a curfew on yourself because of the acts of these barbarians. I am sure everything will be alright. But, till then please take care.
Concrete suggestions for India/Mumbai - FIGHT BACK!!:
- Think like the Israelis - terrorists only need to be killed
- Get Biometric IDs for all citizens
- Fix your traffic - so that firetrucks and ambulances can get around
- Put cameras at all intersections - and integrate it with every city's security plans
- Have rapid response teams - with clear command and control - include hospitals in the plans
- Fix your porous borders
- Develop techniques to identify and tag terrorists - build nationwide databases (use your IT capabilities)
- Get modern and organized, all efforts seem haphazard and chaotic
The message was straight from your heart. Its true that the confidence on a common man's security has come down since the last 60 hours. However,after seeing the might of the NSG and MARCOS (as we don't often see them in live action),it should help us keep up our spirits.
It would be great on the part of the media , if they helped to re-instill the lost confidence by showing the people more about the security measures available like the modern arms and ammunitions that the Defence team possess, the technologies in use, an insight into the training and the way the strategies are planned, more case studies, etc.( something like "Future weapons" on Discovery channel). This not only peps up the confidence in a common man but also cultures a sense of fear among those anti national elements.
The Government should make use of the upcoming Republic day parade to show our power and pride in a way thats never done before such that it sends a shock wave across the neighbours and also the world!
With all due respect to the ones (the police, NSG, Marcos, the hotel staff and the guests) who have done all that they could to save the lives amidst the crisis, i still think this was a complete system failure. There are no steps for prevention, the crisis management concept does not exist and countless other things. Its a shame that our foreign guests get to see how are forces dont have the right ammunition and required armours while terrorists are much better equipped. Futher we also tell them how unwilling we are to take help from other nations in even crisis times when we all know our internal weaknesses. Worse, we rather choose to look at such a painful situation from a political perspective too. All i mean to say is- the operations cant be termed as successful when so many lives have been sacrifised. There were means to make it successful but we chose not too...
I am glued to IBn Live for last 24 hours as I am in US.
It frightening to see the hotels still under seige. stop the sympathy and take them on! loosing some other nationals is not the right choice but keeping them at ransom and holding fort is no acceptable end.
can the NSG been called in earlier? its not a small blast or some lathi charge to bring in control.
US is so strict and all realize that the measures be it at airport or other public places are here to stay and accept the conditions.
Mumbai and other inidan cities --- need to wake up to the terror at their door step.
Terror attack can happen anywhere! they dont bang with a warning! But the way our security personals have handled this entire scenario,it's quite praiseworthy.Whateva, Terrorism has no colours,no feeling of brotherhood.We should condemn all sorts of terrorism and in the moment of agony stand by the nation and remain united.
I appeal to all the political parties not to play the game of throwing mud and blaming the govt's inefficiency in tackling this menace at this moment of pain...
Collective efforts should be made from our side to curb out this global phenomena!
Kudos to the national security guards and i salute to all those brave personals who have lost their lives trying to save the people..
I share the grief of mourning families and anguished by the loss of every indian who has fallen victim to this brutal inhumane act!
want to voice my opinion on the recent terrror attacke our country witnessed.
There are a few points I would like to make:
1) India needs to gear up for 21st century terror. Its high time we become proactive rather than reactive. Why attacks have to be first borne and then countered? Why cant be alert and vigilant enough to not let such things happen? Someone in a hotel with loads of ammunitions, set up a control room and nobody could even track?????????
2) How many times would our heroes be slain like this? Imagine the kind of country we are? We would copy American/English accents to show how high class we are but have we ever bothered to even match their intelligence, security and safety & concern for the citizens? Having siad that dont want to demean the sacrifices our forces made, have been making and will make whenever the country needs them. But why cant our politicians rise up from this dirty game & at least nation's security be away from being politicised. At least a unity of thoughts can be there or else let there be an autonomous body not reporting to anybody to take care of that.
3) We salute our heroes- Mr. Karkare, Mr. Kamate, Mr. Salaskar & Mr. Unnikirishnan- but at the same time would like to draw the attention to many other constables, guards, hawaldars who have laid their lives in the line of duty. CAnt we even know their names? In no way can their contribution be lesser than these brave heroes we lost but dont they deserve to be given some credit- some air time????? Blanketing all their sacrifices with one line is not healthy reporting.
4) Last but not the least pls someone go and tell MR. Raj Thackeray that there were more Non- Marathis than Marathis in the operations. WHere has his Sena gone into hiding when their beloved city needed them the most? WHy didnt he open his mouth to say NO to NSG commandos entering his "MOTHERLAND"?????????
5) Pls pls pls let the politicians get up & not let this pass just like any other incident. We are a massive country and we realise its difficult to track every movement 24X7 but its not impossible!!! We can start doing it NOW--KUDOS to our forces who pay for all these loopholes through their lives!!
Life & blood of our heroes cant be that CHEAP!!!!
Terrorism is a major hindrance for India's survival as a republic.Politicians irrespective of their money,muscle and ideological affiliations if any has to bury their hatchet and come together to fight this menace.
1) Nationalize our police commando force as terrorism transcends state and country boundaries.
2)A centralized Security Intelligence Information Center to gather and share information across the country .
3)An Autonomous crisis management team comprising of Police commandos,Armed forces and Intelligence experts who can take decision on their own just like our election commission.
4) A surveillance and intrusion prevention mechanism to safeguard our air,land and sea routes coming into India.
5)An expert committee to study the root cause of terrorism and analysis of terrorist attacks to do some knowledge sharing.
For implementing all this what we need is a paradigm shift from our political circles with strong will.
But we study the politicians resume they will be either from a mafia background or with money power or people with perverted intelligence.
We don't need a self centered and jealous politicians always worrying about their moneybags and power.We need politicians who can have a conscience rethink to build a safe and strong India.
I request all politicians good bad and ugly to come together to fight all evils like riots of all kinds and terrorism to make India a superpower which is the dream of many Indians like me.
Yesterday, I was rejoicing over the dominance of India in the recent one day series, plainly flattering myself by reading and re-reading the articles describing the victory of India over England in the one day series. As I was doing that, I came across a article saying that there was a gang war occurring in Mumbai. I dismissed it and did not read more and also treating it with a level of apathy. How many reports had I come across like that throughout my lifetime? I closed the system and went to the laboratory to start my work.
I was still rejoicing when I entered the laboratory, when a friend told me with slight ridicule in her voice, that Mumbai was under attack. I reopened the news sites and looked through. Even then, it did not occur to me the height of the disaster. I did not even think about the people I personally knew who were in Mumbai. It just was another terrorist bombing: how many have I seen those during my lifetime, more specifically, how many have I seen those during this year itself? What was so new about it?
Why was I so apathetic? It was pathetic to be filled with so much apathy. I had no clue then. I was more worried about the project I was doing and still rejoicing in India's victory. I just did not have the strength to face up to the facts that were becoming clearer to me in my subconscious.
All my life, I have always believed in humanity. For a human to actually indulge in grotesque acts requires a very powerful motive. I have also read and seen terrorist attacks and bombings all through my life of 0ne and twenty. I had always sympathised with not just the victims but with the terrorists themselves. While their acts were brutal and unforgiving, I had always felt that if they were caught they ought to be given a chance to redeem themselves. There was this Gandhian ideal inside me that prompted me not to hate. I had always felt love conquers all.
Always, until now.
The past two years I have seen a sudden surge in the number of attacks including two brutal bombings in my hometown, Hyderabad, aiming to scare people and divide them. There has been no motive or demand mentioned by the culprits, whoever they claim to be. The basic aim has been to kill. How simple is that! Just simply kill. What do you do to stop something that seeks to simply kill? For a year, I have had challenges to my faith, to my belief that violence should not beget violence. The events unfolding in Mumbai confirm the dent in that particular belief.
The terrorists have succeeded. It is time to face that. They have taught me to hate as well.
The defining moment was when I saw blood splattered on the road, and saw the account of a journalist describing her horror when she was stranded on the road in the midst of heavy firing by a policeman who had been offering words of solace but cried and ran when he realized he was the only policeman alive on that road. For the first time, my blood was boiling. This is war and I have finally realized the nature of war.
I have to have a new belief ingrained now: Evil is evil anywhere and it has to be eradicated by any means possible. There is no two sides of the same coin here, as is with the case with these terrorists whose aim has been to simply kill, the counter-terrorist's aim has to be to simply eradicate.
This is a time when things like sporting events have to take a back-seat, it is time to be worried. We are living in a world of hate. To survive, we have to learn to hate the extremist forces. We have to make the world a better place, a more secure place.
Hate the people who have done this, hate the people who brought our country down to the knees, hate the people who have been the sole cause to have killed so many people none less important than any other the past two decades, hate the people who have tried to destroy the world we are striving to build and rebuild, hate the people who talk of their religion being greater than the other, hate the people who try to invade other religions and cultures, hate the fanatics, hate the people who destroy famous Buddhist relics from the past, hate the people who bring down famous mosques, hate the people who bring down famous temples, hate the people who strive to create tensions between different religions, countries, cultures, and finally hate the people who oppose humanity.
Hate now to promote love later.
Hello Friends,
This war has shown that it is not a discriminatory war but a war on anybody staying in India, regardless of race, religion, caste, language, region and nationality. Hence, please stop using hated and violent speeches against each other but stay united as Indians.
Here are a few things that I think should be installed after having witnessed the attack:
1. The police force should be increased because the police to common human population is very small in India. Built a systematic police system which will co-ordinate and operate within a 8 km radius. Make the police system robust by instilling them that pride of our country resides in their hands. Tell them about the glorifying history of our country and its armed forces.
2. Improve the machinery and ammunition of the armed forces which was utterly ineffective in comparison to the terrorists ammunition.
3. The places of high dignity and frequent usage should be monitored through CCTV's.
4. Media should not spread panic at such times but should project the overall situation from a positive sense so that the nations morale is withstood. They should always glorify the success of the operation and stop showing repeatedly the grief and cries of the family members, since the same is watched by the terrorists also.
5. No need to keep the terrorists alive if they are not co-operating and even if they co-operate, do not keep them alive because Kandahar like episode can be replicated anytime.
6. Open special counseling sessions and helping funds for the affected families. Look that the children of these families are brought up as normal and fund their education or ambition till the normal age of a normal child.
7. Borders and patrolling forces should be equipped with modern technology. Intersection of attacks before they happen has to be stressed upon.
8. Learn from past mistakes and hold sessions within and learn from what other nations do to protect themselves from terror.
Jai Hind! Long live our police, NSG, Armed forces and other saviors! Thumbs up to everybody for their support! Thanks.
'Bruce Riedel, a former National Security Council expert on South Asia, who led Barack Obama's advisory task force on Pakistan, has written how the 2001 attack on the Indian parliament may have been carried out by ISI-connected Kashmiri terrorists. The attack, he said, protected Osama bin Laden, then under assault by US forces invading Afghanistan Bin laden was scuttling over the Afghan-Pakistan border, and Pakistan's forces weren't there to seal the border, despite Musharraf's pledge to the Bush administration to help nab Al Qaeda leaders. "By diverting Pakistan's army to the east, to the border with India for the next year, the Parliament attack helped save Al Qaeda," wrote Riedel.'
Whew! Sound the alarm bells. More troops to Afghanistan immediately. Unintended consequence and reaction to it have a tendency to lead to disastrous results, and a sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire. Riedel's quote should be placed in historical perspective....Kashmir yes, Al Qaeda no.
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