Present Education System of BPUT

The present education system of BPUT is in flux and full of contradictions. While there are world-class institutions of higher education like JNU, DU, IITs, IIITs and IIMs, BPUT is nothing but degree awarding university. It neither prepares the youth for advanced research in social science, physical sciences, engineering, technology and management nor for employment in various productive sectors of the economy.

One can ascribe two reasons for it. BPUT has not changed their colonial mode of functioning. First, they still aim at producing administrators and clerks. They tend to feed the students information more than knowledge and skill. And second, the weak education base forces the university to lower their standards. Added to the problem are mushrooming private universities/institutions, most of which are no better than teaching shops and coaching centers. Orissa, I am told, permitted the opening of scores of one-floor colleges just by one stroke of pen.

This year itself seventeen colleges have sprouted up. What can we expect now? Gali–gali mein berojgaar engineer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wrote a true article. BPUT is deteriorating like never before.